allowInput |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Allows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled. |
allowInvalidPreload |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Allows the preloading of an invalid date. When disabled, the field will be cleared if the provided date is invalid |
altFormat |
Type : string
Default value : 'F j, Y'
Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field. |
altInput |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Example :
altInputClass |
Type : string
Default value : ''
This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option.
Note that |
appendTo |
Type : HTMLElement | undefined
Default value : undefined
Instead of |
Optional ariaDateFormat |
Type : string
Default value : 'F j, Y'
Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat. If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud. |
clickOpens |
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Whether clicking on the input should open the picker.
You could disable this if you wish to open the calendar manually |
convertModelValue |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Auto convert the ngModel value from a string to a date / array of dates / from - to date object depending on the |
dateFormat |
Type : string
Default value : 'Y-m-d'
A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box. The supported characters are defined in the table below. |
Optional defaultHour |
Type : number
Default value : 12
Initial value of the hour element. |
Optional defaultMinute |
Type : number
Default value : 0
Initial value of the minute element. |
Optional defaultSeconds |
Type : number
Default value : 0
Initial value of the seconds element. |
disable |
Type : DisableEnableDate[]
Default value : []
See disabling dates. |
disableMobile |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker. By default, Flatpickr utilizes native datetime widgets unless certain options (e.g. disable) are used. |
enable |
Type : DisableEnableDate[]
See enabling dates. |
enableSeconds |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Enables seconds in the time picker. |
enableTime |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Enables time picker. |
Optional formatDate |
Type : function
Default value : undefined
Allows using a custom date formatting function instead of the built-in handling for date formats using dateFormat, altFormat, etc. |
getWeek |
Type : function
You may override the function that extracts the week numbers from a Date by supplying a getWeek function. It takes in a date as a parameter and should return a corresponding string that you want to appear left of every week. |
hourIncrement |
Type : number
Default value : 1
Adjusts the step for the hour input (incl. scrolling). |
ignoredFocusElements |
Type : HTMLElement[]
Default value : []
Array of HTML elements that should not close the picker on click. |
inline |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Displays the calendar inline. |
locale |
Type : object | string
Default value : 'default'
The locale object or string to use for the locale. |
maxDate |
Type : string | Date | undefined
Default value : undefined
The maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive). |
maxTime |
Type : string | undefined
Default value : undefined
The maximum time that a user can pick to (inclusive). |
minDate |
Type : string | Date | undefined
Default value : undefined
The minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive). |
minTime |
Type : string | undefined
Default value : undefined
The minimum time that a user can start picking from (inclusive). |
minuteIncrement |
Type : number
Default value : 5
Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling). |
mode |
Type : "single" | "multiple" | "range"
Default value : 'single'
Select a single date, multiple dates or a date range. |
monthSelectorType |
Type : "static" | "dropdown"
Default value : 'static'
How the month should be displayed in the header of the calendar. |
nextArrow |
Type : string
Default value : '>'
HTML for the arrow icon, used to switch months. |
noCalendar |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Hides the day selection in calendar. Use it along with |
now |
Type : Date | string | number
Default value : new Date()
Default now to the current date |
parseDate |
Type : function
Function that expects a date string and must return a Date object. |
plugins |
Type : any[]
Default value : []
Array of plugin instances to use. |
prevArrow |
Type : string
Default value : '<'
HTML for the left arrow icon. |
shorthandCurrentMonth |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Show the month using the shorthand version (ie, Sep instead of September). |
showMonths |
Type : number
Default value : 1
The number of months shown. |
static |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Position the calendar inside the wrapper and next to the input element. (Leave |
time24hr |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Displays time picker in 24 hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled. |
utc |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
When true, dates will parsed, formatted, and displayed in UTC. It's recommended that date strings contain the timezone, but not necessary. |
weekNumbers |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Enables display of week numbers in calendar. |
wrap |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Custom elements and input groups. |
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
export type DisableEnableDate =
| string
| Date
| { from: Date | string; to: Date | string }
| ((date: Date) => boolean);
export interface FlatpickrDefaultsInterface {
* Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field.
altFormat?: string;
* Show the user a readable date (as per altFormat), but return something totally different to the server.
altInput?: boolean;
* This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option.
* Note that `altInput` already inherits classes from the original input.
altInputClass?: string;
* Allows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled.
allowInput?: boolean;
* Allows the preloading of an invalid date. When disabled, the field will be cleared if the provided date is invalid
allowInvalidPreload?: boolean;
* Instead of `body`, appends the calendar to the specified node instead.
appendTo?: HTMLElement;
* Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat. If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud.
ariaDateFormat?: string;
* Whether clicking on the input should open the picker.
* You could disable this if you wish to open the calendar manually ``.
clickOpens?: boolean;
* A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box.
* The supported characters are defined in the table below.
dateFormat?: string;
* Initial value of the hour element.
defaultHour?: number;
* Initial value of the minute element.
defaultMinute?: number;
* Initial value of the seconds element.
defaultSeconds?: number;
* See <a href="">disabling dates</a>.
disable?: DisableEnableDate[];
* Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker.
* By default, Flatpickr utilizes native datetime widgets unless certain options (e.g. disable) are used.
disableMobile?: boolean;
* See <a href="">enabling dates</a>.
enable?: DisableEnableDate[];
* Enables time picker.
enableTime?: boolean;
* Enables seconds in the time picker.
enableSeconds?: boolean;
* Allows using a custom date formatting function instead of the built-in handling for date formats using dateFormat, altFormat, etc.
formatDate?: (value: any) => string;
* Adjusts the step for the hour input (incl. scrolling).
hourIncrement?: number;
* Displays the calendar inline.
inline?: boolean;
* The maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive).
maxDate?: string | Date;
* The minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minDate?: string | Date;
* The maximum time that a user can pick to (inclusive).
maxTime?: string;
* The minimum time that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minTime?: string;
* Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling).
minuteIncrement?: number;
* Select a single date, multiple dates or a date range.
mode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'range';
* HTML for the arrow icon, used to switch months.
nextArrow?: string;
* Hides the day selection in calendar. Use it along with `enableTime` to create a time picker.
noCalendar?: boolean;
* Provide a date for 'today', which will be used instead of "new Date()"
now?: Date | string | number;
* Function that expects a date string and must return a Date object.
parseDate?: (str: string) => Date;
* HTML for the left arrow icon.
prevArrow?: string;
* Show the month using the shorthand version (ie, Sep instead of September).
shorthandCurrentMonth?: boolean;
* Position the calendar inside the wrapper and next to the input element. (Leave `false` unless you know what you're doing).
static?: boolean;
* Displays time picker in 24 hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled.
time24hr?: boolean;
* When true, dates will parsed, formatted, and displayed in UTC.
* It's recommended that date strings contain the timezone, but not necessary.
utc?: boolean;
* Enables display of week numbers in calendar.
weekNumbers?: boolean;
* You may override the function that extracts the week numbers from a Date by supplying a getWeek function.
* It takes in a date as a parameter and should return a corresponding string that you want to appear left of every week.
getWeek?: (date: Date) => string;
* Custom elements and input groups.
wrap?: boolean;
* Array of plugin instances to use.
plugins?: any[];
* The locale object or string to use for the locale.
locale?: object | string;
* Auto convert the ngModel value from a string to a date / array of dates / from - to date object depending on the `mode`
convertModelValue?: boolean;
* The number of months shown.
showMonths?: number;
* How the month should be displayed in the header of the calendar.
monthSelectorType?: 'static' | 'dropdown';
* Array of HTML elements that should not close the picker on click.
ignoredFocusElements?: HTMLElement[];
export class FlatpickrDefaults implements FlatpickrDefaultsInterface {
* Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field.
altFormat: string = 'F j, Y';
* Show the user a readable date (as per altFormat), but return something totally different to the server.
altInput: boolean = false;
* This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option.
* Note that `altInput` already inherits classes from the original input.
altInputClass: string = '';
* Allows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled.
allowInput: boolean = false;
* Allows the preloading of an invalid date. When disabled, the field will be cleared if the provided date is invalid
allowInvalidPreload: boolean = false;
* Instead of `body`, appends the calendar to the specified node instead.
appendTo: HTMLElement | undefined = undefined;
* Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat. If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud.
ariaDateFormat?: string = 'F j, Y';
* Whether clicking on the input should open the picker.
* You could disable this if you wish to open the calendar manually ``.
clickOpens: boolean = true;
* A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box.
* The supported characters are defined in the table below.
dateFormat: string = 'Y-m-d';
* Initial value of the hour element.
defaultHour?: number = 12;
* Initial value of the minute element.
defaultMinute?: number = 0;
* Initial value of the seconds element.
defaultSeconds?: number = 0;
* See <a href="">disabling dates</a>.
disable: DisableEnableDate[] = [];
* Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker.
* By default, Flatpickr utilizes native datetime widgets unless certain options (e.g. disable) are used.
disableMobile: boolean = false;
* See <a href="">enabling dates</a>.
enable: DisableEnableDate[];
* Enables time picker.
enableTime: boolean = false;
* Enables seconds in the time picker.
enableSeconds: boolean = false;
* Allows using a custom date formatting function instead of the built-in handling for date formats using dateFormat, altFormat, etc.
formatDate?: (value: any) => string = undefined;
* Adjusts the step for the hour input (incl. scrolling).
hourIncrement: number = 1;
* Displays the calendar inline.
inline: boolean = false;
* The maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive).
maxDate: string | Date | undefined = undefined;
* The minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minDate: string | Date | undefined = undefined;
* The maximum time that a user can pick to (inclusive).
maxTime: string | undefined = undefined;
* The minimum time that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minTime: string | undefined = undefined;
* Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling).
minuteIncrement: number = 5;
* Select a single date, multiple dates or a date range.
mode: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'range' = 'single';
* HTML for the arrow icon, used to switch months.
nextArrow: string = '>';
* Hides the day selection in calendar. Use it along with `enableTime` to create a time picker.
noCalendar: boolean = false;
* Default now to the current date
now: Date | string | number = new Date();
* Function that expects a date string and must return a Date object.
parseDate: (str: string) => Date;
* HTML for the left arrow icon.
prevArrow: string = '<';
* Show the month using the shorthand version (ie, Sep instead of September).
shorthandCurrentMonth: boolean = false;
* Position the calendar inside the wrapper and next to the input element. (Leave `false` unless you know what you're doing).
static: boolean = false;
* Displays time picker in 24 hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled.
time24hr: boolean = false;
* When true, dates will parsed, formatted, and displayed in UTC.
* It's recommended that date strings contain the timezone, but not necessary.
utc: boolean = false;
* Enables display of week numbers in calendar.
weekNumbers: boolean = false;
* You may override the function that extracts the week numbers from a Date by supplying a getWeek function.
* It takes in a date as a parameter and should return a corresponding string that you want to appear left of every week.
getWeek: (date: Date) => string;
* Custom elements and input groups.
wrap: boolean = false;
* Array of plugin instances to use.
plugins: any[] = [];
* The locale object or string to use for the locale.
locale: object | string = 'default';
* Auto convert the ngModel value from a string to a date / array of dates / from - to date object depending on the `mode`
convertModelValue: boolean = false;
* The number of months shown.
showMonths: number = 1;
* How the month should be displayed in the header of the calendar.
monthSelectorType: 'static' | 'dropdown' = 'static';
* Array of HTML elements that should not close the picker on click.
ignoredFocusElements: HTMLElement[] = [];